Tuesday, August 19, 2014

On Defining Success

A friend recently asked this question, "What is success?" This is my response.

Generally, the rate something as a 'success' you have to assume there is a goal you're attempting. Without a goal, there is no success. And success has both long term and short term components (strategy and tactics). Tactics are things you do in the short term that move you toward some strategic/long term benchmark that helps you finally achieve your goal.

For instance, if your goal is to become a teacher, your strategy would be to get the requisite education and licenses that would allow you to teach. Your tactics to make your strategy successful would be to enroll in class, study, and take and pass the appropriate tests. There may be multiple strategic points/tasks you'll need to achieve (school,  passing PRAXIS I and II, being accepted for a position), that may require different tactics.

You can have successes and failures with your tactics, yet still ultimately achieve your goal, just as you can have successes and failures with your tactics and fail at your goal.

The most important part of this discussion though, is related to our goal. WE get to determine what goal we want to achieve. Others can help you select goals, but if a goal is not yours, you can never achieve success. For instance, Mother Teresa died penniless, yet many consider her life successful. By the same token, Charlie Sheen claims he's 'WINNING!', yet many would say he's not successful. There are many examples that can be argued either way, depending on the things we value.

Most importantly, the recognize success, we have to celebrate milestones and accomplishments. If you're trying to be a teacher, celebrate at the end of the school year, or when you pass the big test!

So, to recap, to BE successful or achieve success,

1) Have a goal that YOU select.
2) Have a strategy that helps you move toward your goal.
3) Have short term, tactical actions that help you accomplish your strategic goals.
4) Finally, allow yourself to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Still on the Paleo Challenge

I've been on a strict Paleolithic Diet since March 29th. So far, the most noticeable effect has been a little fatigue. From what I've read, this is pretty normal for the first week or so.

While looking for resources, I ran across this online article http://www.crossfitevolution.com/paleo-nutrition/. This article is a short, concise look at the Paleo diet, including what you can and can't eat.

As for why I'm doing the diet, the main reason is as an experiment in healthy eating. After all, how can I tell people to follow a specific diet if I haven't even given it a try? The challenge is to continue to gain weight while eating Paleo. If I continue with the Paleo diet, I will most likely include a few 'cheat' meals throughout the week. The recommendation is three meals a week, which seems reasonable.

Easter Day Report

Well, this week has been interesting. I've been sticking pretty close to a strict Paleo diet. It's tough. My energy level has been a little lower than expected. Everything I've read says the first week usually includes some low energy, so I guess it's normal.

If I don't see some turn around, however, I may not last the whole time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Day's Evening Run

I didn't make it to my martial arts class tonight. Instead, I had to stay home with an unruly child. Sad, really, because I had a great workout planned for everyone. I did call it in to the dojo, since everyone has done similar movements before. I wonder how many actually stayed for the workout?

For myself, instead of working out with a group of people, I ended up working out by myself. And when you're tired, it can be hard trying to motivate yourself. I did manage to gin myself up to do the WOD. The plan was:

21-15-10 of
Kettlebell Swings
Push ups

I finished the workout in 3:58, using a 35lb dumbbell. I think I need to go heavier next time.

Cool thing, though. During tonight's warm up I managed to string together 27 double-unders! Awesome!!

Beginning the Paleo Challenge and Getting Back to Working Out

Last week was a good rest week. I just felt really run down. I'm glad I rested up a bit for this weekend. We spent almost 5 hours working out. Shihan Swain is an incredible teacher. His knowledge is incredible!

After the workouts on Saturday, I took it easy on Sunday. We have a new dog, so I took her and one of our other dogs on some easy, short training runs. She's still a puppy, so she's learning. I think she'll do pretty well when she gets into the swing of things at the house.

Monday was also the first day of my Paleo challenge! Several guys at work have decided to give the diet a try. I also wanted to see what would happen if I went totally paleo. I expect to lose a little weight, which is not really what I'm after. However, I also expect to see some performance gains. This includes better endurance and more strength.

Right now, my weight is 196lbs. That's a little lower than I would like. To measure performance, I did a 'benchmark' WOD:

AMRAP in 10 minutes -

10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Air Squats

I managed to get 7 rounds (+7 push ups) in the 10 minute time frame. I think I can do better next time. Theoretically, I can get almost 20 rounds (30 seconds for each round). We'll see what happens, though, and how much I really improve.

While doing the challenge, I will continue to train normally. This means my normal M-T-W, F-Sat workouts. I may add an additional weight workout Tuesday morning as a way to increase my overall strength and maintain weight. We'll have to see, though.

I planned to get up on time this morning and try the new time, but was sabotaged by the new dog causing a ruckus last night. I was up probably three different times because of her shenanigans. Guess we just need her to settle in first.

Also, if you have any recommendations for Paleo recipes, leave a comment.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking Some Time Off

I've been using this week as on "Off Week" to recoup a little energy and get ready for the next quarter. Seems like a good time to do it. I still showed up to teach my fitness classes, but have otherwise laid off of activities. Maybe a little too much, since I feel a tight from all of the sitting around.

I ended up feeling really run down Monday and missed work. It's funny how, when you're tired, sleeping until noon can really help. I guess I should be happy that I didn't feel any worse. Also, I bounced back pretty quickly and am ready to rock and roll again.

Tonight at Unity Martial Arts, we have a preview of this weekend's grappling class. This should be a great time. I always appreciate when Shihan Swain comes to town. He has an incredible amount of experience and is an incredible teacher. Of course, the only reason he's there is because of his relationship with my normal Teacher, Sensei Tanner Critz.

Yeah, I'm loving the martial arts stuff!

Friday, March 19, 2010

If It's Friday, I Must be Lifting Weights!

Had a pretty good weight lifting session this morning. I worked on front squats, power cleans and presses. It's amazing how just these three exercises can really work you over.

This weekend, my airsoft team is hosting a fun event. Should be a good time.